Saturday, July 07, 2007


I'm not wrong often (or so I like to think), but when I am, I'm really, REALLY wrong! I predicted on Friday of last week that the people responsible for the botched car bombings in Britain were, "some of England's home-grown terrorist punks." It turns out that not only were they not home-grown radicals, but seven of the eight captured are doctors! Apparently the Islamic version of the AMA -- or, I guess IMA has decided to throw its weight behind the terror war -- on the other side. According to messages on the Internet, there are another 37 of these Dr. Deaths still running around, plotting further attacks. Apparently, the Hippocratic Oath is not taught in Muslim medical schools. But then, it isn't taught to abortionists in this country either. This gives the lie to the notion that Islamic radicalism springs from the poverty-stricken Arab streets, where disaffected youths are excluded from the labor market because low levels of self-confidence and motivation, a lack of work-related skills and few or no formal qualifications, blah, blah, blah. As I said more than two years ago, the ultimate goal of Islam is nothing short of world domination. We are not fighting a group of fringe radicals who want us all dead, we are fighting the religion itself. Despite all the denials of the so-called "moderates," we will not win the war on terror until our leaders stop their PC nonsense and realize who are enemies are. And that brings up another concern: who do we trust? It's estimated that about 10 percent of the Muslim population are radical enough to be potential terrorists. That's over 100 million people. Should I be suspicious of the dozens of Muslim co-workers here? I know I'll never go back to that butcher barber.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Don't beat yourself up about it. You are so rarely wrong, you are entitled to a little blunder ocassionally.