This whole Duke thing stinks. First of all, the district attorney is a DSR -- Democrat Seeking Reelection. Whenever there is a DSR involved, you can be pretty confident there is some chicanery afoot. I'm guessing this politician posing as a prosecutor will milk this story for all it's worth until after the election, and then it will go away. The second thing that raises red flags is that all the race pimps are showing up for their camera time. Didn't Al Sharpton learn anything from the Tawana Brawley case? Jesse Jackson has pledged some of his ill-gotten gains to pay for the accuser's college tuition, "whether she is telling the truth or not." What's going on there? As her story starts to unravel, Reverend Jesse says it's not about a rape, it's about a black woman who has to strip to pay for her college and raise her kids. The line forms on the left, ladies. Let's see how generous Jesse is with all the rest of you in the same predicament. The DSR has indicted three students, one of whom apparently has a rock-solid alibi. There was no DNA found "on, in or around" the accuser. If you shake hands, take a sip of a drink, or even scratch your head, you leave behind DNA. Were these guys wearing hazmat suits? The second stripper there that night says she didn't see a rape, but has contacted a public relations firm asking how she can spin the story to her advantage. Victims advocates are coming out of the woodwork, saying that rape allegations should ALWAYS be believed. Where was that attitude when the accuser was Juanita Broaddrick? SOMEBODY needs to go to jail in this case. I just don't know who yet. PS: I didn't have to post that picture, I just did.However the Duke lacrosse rape case turns out, one lesson that absolutely will not be learned is this: You can severely reduce your chances of having a false accusation of rape leveled against you if you don't hire strange women to come to your house and take their clothes off for money.
Also, you can severely reduce your chances of being raped if you do not go to strange men's houses and take your clothes off for money. (Does anyone else detect a common thread here?)
I am reserving judgement on the case until it has made it to trial, but I will say this anytime a DA feels they have to try a case in the media and holes begin to develop and keep getting bigger, it's not good for anyone
LOL! keep posting her picture!
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