Monday, October 31, 2005

Alito Nominated

It's 6:12 am EST and the media are reporting that the new Supreme Court nominee is Samuel Alito. He is 55 and is nicknamed "Scalito" because he is so much like Justice Antonin Scalia. The Democrats are sharpening their fangs. Sorry, Clem Kididdlehopper, you didn't make the cut. Harry Reid, that creepy old guy who serves as the Senate minority leader, has already predicted that there would be trouble if Alito were nominated. The Democrats apparently still don't believe they are out of power. This is going to be an absolute bloodbath -- worse than Bork or Thomas. The Democrats are once again going to show the entire country just how petty and childish and....well....evil they really are. This guy's past had better be as squeaky clean as mine. And the Republicans had BETTER summon up some backbone and fight these treacherous weasels. Let me remind you again, who Judge Alito will be facing. The Republican party was established PRECISELY to fight Democratic crimes. And has there been a great crime against humanity in this country than abortion? It rates higher than slavery on my list. I shudder to think what atrocity the Republicans will be fighting 150 years from now.

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