Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Last Episode of Buffy

As I said once before, the confirmation of President Bush's next Supreme Court nominee will look like the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The earth will open up and all the demons of hell will pour forth to do battle with the nominee. Well, with the passing of Chief Justice Rehnquist, things have changed. Although lesser demons in organizations like NOW, the ACLU and NARAL have been attempting to discredit Judge John Roberts' character, they've had no success. So now the A-Team is going to have their shot at it. But the Judge will be confirmed because he IS a man of character and none of the people who oppose him could make the cut themselves. Take a look at some of the dreadful people who oppose Judge Roberts. Patrick Leahy: Known as "Leaky Leahy," because in 1986, he leaked classified information about a covert U.S. operation to overthrow the government of Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi. Leahy's stated reason for leaking the information was that he (Leahy) thought the proposed operation was "the most ridiculous thing I had seen." The planned military operation, no longer a secret, was called off as a result of the publicity generated by Leahy's making classified information public. In July, 1987, Leahy resigned from his post on the Senate Intelligence Committee after a six-month investigation into charges that he had compromised our nation's security by leaking classified documents. The investigation revealed that Leahy had also been caught in the act of allowing a network news reporter access to the Senate Intelligence Committee's confidential documents in 1986. Why is this reckless, dishonorable traitor passing judgment on the character of others? I wouldn't trust him on the jury of a serial killer. Edward M. Kennedy: He killed a woman. HE KILLED A WOMAN! Ted Kennedy should be in prison, not in the U. S. Senate. And a man with no character should not be sitting on a committee, judging the character of others. Kennedy's drinking and adulterous behavior have become the stuff of legend in Washington. He and his drinking buddy Senator Chris Dodd would go out for a fun night in Washington to a place called La Brasserie, and they were notorious for making waitress sandwiches. That's either Dodd or Kennedy on the bottom, waitress in the middle, and either Dodd or Kennedy on the top. And let me remind you that Ted Kennedy killed a woman. HE KILLED A WOMAN! Joseph R. Biden Jr.: Very likely the most arrogant man in Congress. For a man who looks down his nose at everyone else, he seems to have a problem expressing himself without pirating the works of others. Biden was driven from the 1988 presidential nomination battle after delivering, without attribution, passages from a speech by British Labor party leader Neil Kinnock. A barrage of subsidiary revelations by the press also contributed to Biden's withdrawal: a serious plagiarism incident involving Biden during his law school years; the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record at a New Hampshire campaign event; and the discovery of other quotations in Biden's speeches pilfered from past Democratic politicians. And this person thinks he has the character to pass judgment on others? Of course he thinks so, but do you? Dianne Feinstein: Although she hasn't been connected with any illegal or improper conduct, her husband has been embroiled in shady business dealings. She is a Yellow Dog Democrat. A Yellow Dog Democrat would vote for a yellow dog if it were running as a Democrat. The Yellow Dogs themselves are not our parents' or grandparents' Democrats (e.g. Harry Truman, Hubert Humphrey). They have little to do with the working-class American, and they have more in common with the wine-and-cheese-party urban limousine liberal and the ivory tower speech code college liberal. They often push agendas that are totally against the interests of working-class Americans like the Kyoto Treaty, reparations for slavery, gun control, gay marriage and affirmative action; none are consistent with the values of the descendants of Irish, Polish, English, Italian, Jewish, Vietnamese, and other immigrants who came to this country seeking a better life. Charles Schumer: Easily the second most arrogant person in Congress. Before he even knew who the nominee would be, he had has mind made up. According to the Drudge Report, he was overheard plotting away in a long cell-phone conversation with an unknown political ally aboard a Washington-New York Amtrak. Schumer promised a fight over whomever the President’s nominee was: “It's not about an individual judge… It's about how it affects the overall makeup of the court.” Schumer proudly declared: “We are contemplating how we are going to go to war over this.” Schumer went on to say how hard it was to predict how a Supreme Court justice would turn out: “Even William Rehnquist is more moderate than they expected. The only ones that resulted how they predicted were [Antonin] Scalia and [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg. So most of the time they've gotten their picks wrong, and that's what we want to do to them again.” Schumer later went on to mock the “Gang of 14” judicial filibuster deal and said it was not relevant in the Supreme Court debate. “A Priscilla Owen or Janice Rogers Brown style appointment may not have been extraordinary to the appellate court but may be extraordinary to the Supreme Court.” Richard Durbin: Master of the "if-then" apology -- if you were offended, then I apologize. This treacherous fool likened American interrogators and Gitmo military staff to Nazis, Soviet gulag operators and genocidal maniac Pol Pot. After two weeks of refusing to retract his statement, giving al-Jazeera tons of propaganda material, he finally took to the floor of the Senate and said through crocodile tears, "I am sorry if anything I said caused any offense or pain to those who have such bitter memories of the Holocaust, the greatest moral tragedy of our time. Nothing, nothing should ever be said to demean or diminish that moral tragedy. I am also sorry if anything I said cast a negative light on our fine men and women in the military. ... I never ever intended any disrespect for them. Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line. To them I extend my heartfelt apology." In other words, if you were stupid enough to misinterpret my remarks, then I am sorry you're such a moron. Would you want a person who slanders his own country passing judgment on your character? Of the other two Democrats on the panel, Russell Feingold is another Yellow Dog Democrat. The only honest one seems to be Herbert Kohl of Wisconsin, a moderate Democrat who will very well give Judge Brown a fair hearing. Moderate Democrat. Think about that. In the Democratic party, just as in the Islamic faith, the less you adhere to the true core of your organization, the less of a threat you are to our country and our way of life. Nope, the last episode of Buffy will be delayed. But I pity da poor fool the President nominates next.

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