Monday, October 31, 2005

In Lieu of Facts, I Hereby Declare the Truth

OK, I admit defeat. Six days ago, I asked what I thought was a very simple question. On the day she took that bus seat in 1955, was Rosa Parks a Republican or a Democrat? I asked that question not only on this blog, but on several others. No response. Nada, zip, zero. So, as Rosa Parks lies in state just across the street in the Capitol rotunda, I declare that she was a Republican. The evidence? The majority of blacks in the South at that time were Republicans. She was an active member of the NAACP, which was co-founded by Republicans. She opposed discrimination, segregation, Jim Crow laws, and black codes that were all instigated by southern Democrats. It was Republicans who fought to defeat these racist practices. She left Alabama because of death threats from southern whites -- who were Democrats. That is certainly enough circumstantial evidence to make my case. The point is not Rosa Parks' political affiliation but that it is so difficult to find out what it was. It seems that historical facts that reflect badly on Democrats and that reflect well on Republicans are mysteriously disappearing in the mists of time. This isn't the first time I've commented on this historical phenomenon. Take a look at this entry, I made in September. Our history is being silently erased by revisionists who apparently want to cement the myth that the Democratic Party has always been a party reaching out to minorities, while the Republicans are racists.

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