Sunday, January 16, 2005

See B.S.

The Rathergate report was released last Monday, which is my day off. So I really didn't pay any attention to it. I don't take my work home with me and since I'm a journalist, it means I try to stay away from news when I'm not working. But since I commented on it earlier, predicting what the report would contain, I guess I have to say something about it now, even though it would be easier to just delete the prior post. Well, it was exactly what I said it would be -- a whitewash. The report concluded that CBS News did not follow basic journalistic standards in the story that used false documents in an attempt to smear President Bush's National Guard service. Well, DUH! Of COURSE they didn't follow basic journalistic standards! That's why the investigation was needed in the first place! The unanswered question is WHY? The report said nothing about a liberal bias at CBS. As I predicted, the media is incapable of investigating itself and will never admit a leftist bias. Four people fired. Rather still in the catbird seat. Nobody goes to jail for attempting to influence an election. Typical. It's pretty much a moot point with me. I haven't watched See B.S. in decades.