Saturday, January 15, 2005

Those Sensitive, Caring Liberals

I have the comments and e-mail turned off on this blog because I simply have no patience with stupid people. Comments from liberals about my thoughts are invariably stupid. It's ok to be ignorant. Everyone is ignorant about something. But my definition of stupidity is wanting to REMAIN ignorant. Nobody with an open mind can remain a liberal. But I digress. Not only do I have my comments turned off, I don't associate with other bloggers, I've never met any other bloggers, I don't usually link to other blogs unless it's something really excellent, I don't care how many hits -- if any -- I get and even though I'm a journalist, I don't take this seriously. It's just a place for me to release steam. Oh, and nobody has ever paid me to support a political candidate. Although if Kerry or Dean had paid me big bucks every month like they did some liberal bloggers, I would have been willing to sing their praises to the sky. Like I said, I don't take this seriously. I save journalistic ethics for my paying job. And being a pitchman for a Democrat couldn't be any worse than....working in a slaughterhouse or something. Not illegal, not immoral, not unethical, just very sickening. Having said that, I have to say that Michelle Malkin is my favorite blogger. Hers is the first blog I ever read. I read her column, I bought her book, I try to catch her every time she's on TV. That, despite the fact that she bears an unnerving resemblance to my ex-wife. She has her comments turned off too, but unlike me, she accepts e-mail. She recently let her readers have a peek at e-mail she's received from some of her liberal readers. I was appalled. I'd expect that sort of demonic hatred from members of the Ku Klux Klan, but from sensitive, open-minded, caring, blah, blah, blah liberals? Oops, it was Democrats who FOUNDED the Ku Klux Klan. Now I remember. Take a peek here, but be warned that it contains much foul language, racism, bad grammar, bad spelling and psychotic hatred. The word "whore" seems to be a favorite. Even when engaged in insane rhetoric, liberals are still bound together by group think. Yessir, gotta love those liberals. By the way, when referring to a woman of Philippine descent, it's Filipina, not Filipino or Philipino. Those blue staters aren't exactly as intelligent, educated and sophisticated as they claim to be.