Sunday, January 16, 2005

Mind Your Own Business

One of the greatest character flaws of liberals is that they just can't mind their own business. The latest example is all the whining about the $40 million that is going to be spent for the presidential inauguration. Mind your own business! It is absolutely none of your business what other people choose to do with their money. Sure, $40 million will buy about 200 armored Hum Vees, sure, it will add yet more aid to the tsunami recovery effort. But so what? When is the last time you sent money to a charity instead of buying something for yourself? Did you really need those new clothes or new car or electronic gadgets? Can't you downsize your living conditions, move into a cheaper place and give the rest of your money away? How much did those shoes cost? Huh? Huh? Huh? Actually, I couldn't care less, because I recognize when something is none of my business. As an underworked, overpaid journalist, I make a six-figure income. So what? None of your business. And I don't envy the salaries of these well-groomed bubbleheads at the networks who make eight-figure salaries. NO journalist is worth what I make. But I'm not going to turn it down. And I'm not going to be told by a bunch of self-righteous pinheads how I should spend it. Mind your own business.