Monday, February 06, 2012


Got out of the hospital on Saturday after four days in ICU and two days in CCU.  I was a victim of the drug shortage.  The drug that keeps my heart running normally was not to be found anywhere, so my heart went into defib again.  That means my heart was too weak to pump the water out of my tissues and my lungs started filling up.  In the hospital, they removed 10 POUNDS of water from my body through medication.  When I left, the pharmacy had only eight of the aforementioned pills.  If they don't get a supply in by Wednesday, I'll be back in the same situation.  But, I won't wait so long next time to go for help.  More later as I gain the strength to sit at my computer.

Thanks for the prayers.


Trekkie4Ever said...

That's very scary, I hope they can get your medication soon. I hate that you had to go through that hell.

Praying you get well soon.

Cyndi L said...

Thankful that they got you there in time. This is a scary situation, but I'm glad you know what to watch for now.

Cathy said...

Checking in, Kimosabe. Doing ok?