Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

It would seem just common sense that if a law is based on lies, it should be repealed.  If a judicial ruling is based on lies, it should be reviewed and overturned.  But, nay, nay.  That's not how it works in liberal land.  Since two ACLU lawyers exploited a young girl and lied to the Supreme Court in 1973, more than 42 million babies have been destroyed -- many in ways that would cause Josef Mengele cringe. One day, abortion was illegal and immoral and the next day, after the Roe v. Wade ruling, it was legal and fine.

And now, we have Obama care, which is the biggest, most expensive scam ever foisted on the American people.  On just the basis of all the lies, that program should be repealed.

Now, let's take it a step further. Roger Clemens recently went on trial for lying under oath to Congress.  Let's set aside for a moment the fact that the federal government should not be involved in sports.  Why is the government spending millions to convict someone of lying to Congress?  Congress lies to us every day with impunity.

So, here's my idea.  Along with the the oath of office, EVERY elected official should take the oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth for the duration of their term.  Any intentional lies told to anyone would result in perjury charges.


Trader Rick said...

One step might be to ban lawyers from holding office...

Mark said...

"Any intentional lies told to anyone would result in perjury charges."

Are you kidding? If that happened we would no longer have any politicians at all!

Joe said...

We'd still have politicians, but their lips wouldn't move.

Z said...

Fantastic idea...why NOT?