Friday, September 18, 2009

Hofstra Rape Victim Lied

Whew, the guys accused of Rape at Hofstra University have been vindicated. Seems the victim made up the accusations. What? You haven't heard of this case? Well, it wasn't splashed all over the news like the Duke rape case was. I prophetically questioned the credibility of that victim from the start. None of the race hustlers showed up for their close ups in the Hofstra case. It wasn't the lead story on every newscast for months on end. Why? Because those accused were not white. And liberals accuse conservatives of being racists?

1 comment:

Mark said...

I heard about this on Alan Colme's radio show.

One caller, who is obviously a Liberal and an Alan Colmes fan, suggested the punishment for the woman should be that the 4 men be allowed to rape her for real.

And Liberals say they are all for peace and love.