Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big Bro is Watching, Part Deux

I just had some dope accuse me of being a racist because of my previous post. Naturally, the comment didn't get posted, because it violated rule 4 of my incredibly simple comments policy. Soooooo, when you accuse a white person of being up to his neck in corruption, you are a good citizen. But, if you accuse a black person of being up to his neck in corruption, you are a racist. Oh, let's not forget the qualifier. You are a racist only if you accuse a LIBERAL black person. If you accuse a conservative black person, you are a national hero. And if you accuse a liberal white person, you are a right-wing terrorist. Well, I guess that's easier than thinking. It's also racist. And stupid. And irrational. Here's all you need to know about racism. Republicans founded the NAACP. Democrats founded the KKK.


Mark said...

I have a very hard time believing that anyone, even a Liberal, could possibly accuse one of being a racist just because we don't agree with Obama's Marxist policies.

And yet, they do. My standard response to that one is this:

I don't dislike Obama because he's black. I dislike him because he's a Marxist. There are many black Americans that I would support for President. Alan Keyes, Ken Blackwell, Condi Rice, J.C Watts, Michael Steele, to name a few. But not Obama. He's a Marxist and very much a danger to liberty and freedom in AMERICA.

Lone Ranger said...

It's all they have. They have no way to explain their positions, they have no way to explain Obama's incompetence. So, they resort to name-calling.