Saturday, June 30, 2007


I've been thinking seriously about returning Chito, but every time I do, I look at him and he looks at me and I can't deny that we share a bond. You'd think my marriage would have taught me a lesson about love at first sight, but nope. The main problem is that Gwen and Ginger just refuse to accept him. He is annoying. They are elderly cats and he's full of vim and vinegar. They don't like being chased around the apartment. His play always ends up in hissing and boxing, which he shrugs off because they don't have claws on their front paws. Then there is the litter box problem. I used to dispose of the collection container on my automatic litter box about every six days. Now, it's every other day. And I've also had to start investing in litter box deodorizers. I've tried about five different brands so far and have yet to find one that works. And the other day, he hopped up on my chest while I was watching TV. I was immediately assaulted by the most foul odor. Seems he had just done his thing and buried it -- and then tracked the stench from the litter box to my body. Good thing I can pause live TV. Not a day goes by when Chito doesn't do something that makes me want to box him up and ship him to China (where they eat cats). Thursday, he tipped over my shredder and I awoke to find confetti spread all over the living room. Last night, I looked over and saw him perched atop my CD tower. As soon as he saw me looking at him, he jumped off, causing the tower to fall on top of him. I was going to transfer all my CDs to another place anyway, but he's moved up the timetable. He is constantly underfoot. I have to watch every step I take. He is fascinated with the shower. Whenever I'm taking a shower, he pokes his head in a few times and when I slide back the curtain, I can be assured that he will be sitting right next to the tub. He will eat anything. Gwen totally ignores people food. Ginger will try a few things -- and then immediately throw up. But Chito has to smell and taste everything. It was kinda funny when he tried grapefruit juice. By the way, here's an interesting article on why cats hang around us.


Trader Rick said...

Sounds like my kind of cat!!

Cathy said...

That's the way boys behave... boy kitties... too...

Lone Ranger said...

I never behaved that way. I was quiet, studious, and never ate crayons, like my sister did. To this day, I remember her multi-colored poop.

Anonymous said...

LOL--Maybe that's why your sister ate the crayons--the colored poop.

How old is Chito? Maybe he's still being a kitten. Maybe his odor has to do with what he's eating, or the transition to what he's eating, or a health issue.

I don't have any ideas to help the girls with the annoying little brother. You'd think he'd get the message when they hiss and swipe at him--claws or not. Perhaps he's just "special." ;)

Lone Ranger said...

I don't remember which sister it was. I just remember the entire family gathered around the toilet to marvel at the poop of many colors.

Chito is a year old - or so I'm told.

Tonto said...

So did you trade him in for a goldfish?