Saturday, May 05, 2007

Catching Up

I've been remiss in posting the last few days, but it was my weekend and I did a lot of running around, running errands. I took Ginger to the vet Wednesday. They gave her a rabies shot, took blood and took urine. They took the urine by inserting a big needle into her side, straight into her bladder. She just laid quietly during all this, but she was vibrating with fear. Poor kid. They were going to give me a bottle so I could collect a fecal sample, but when she got back into her crate, she did that on her own. I hear during the Democratic debate, they asked John Edwards who his moral leader was and he did the deer-in-the-headlights thing. When I'm asked for dating advice (and believe it or not, I am), I tell women that they should ask the guy who his heroes are. If he can't come up with anyone or if he says something stupid, dump him. By now, it should appear clear as crystal that Edwards doesn't have a prayer. They also asked Obama to name America's three most important allies around the world. Without even having to think, I would have said England, Australia and Israel. Obama's answer? The European Union. That isn't a country, but he probably thinks Africa is a country too. And nobody hates us more than the European Union. 'Cept maybe Iran. And that's just a maybe. I've been taking ribbing all night for my haircut. Should I ever meet a Muslim terrorist face-to-face, I will take particular pleasure in shooting him. My boss actually had to walk across the newsroom to see who was sitting at my desk. Good news! There are no longer any pathways in my apartment. I've cleared up enough boxes to actually have open space in my living room. Bad news. I don't have a square foot of closet space left. Paris Hilton is going to spend 45 days in the L.A. County jail. They're going to keep her separate from the other prisoners so she won't be a bad influence on the crack whores. Gotta go. Seems a dead terrorist may not be dead after all. Rats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So the scared the p**p right out of poor Ginger, huh? Poor baby!

I love the application of your dating analogy applied to candidates. I'll have to remember that one.

You got rid of your pathways, and we just created landslide of pantry stuff in our family room. See? Whatever gets cleaned up in one spot, pops up in another. Just make sure you share with someone else next time. ;)