Thursday, April 26, 2007

And Katie Makes Two

There are rumors that perky Katie Couric will leave CBS Evening Snews after her contract runs out. Well, who didn't see that coming? Another rumor as it that she is being sabotaged (like she can't end her career by herself?) from within CBS news. And the ringleader of this sabotage? Bob Schieffer -- the guy who looks like a character out of a Doonesbury cartoon (I think it's the nose). But don't think he isn't capable of it. Inside info: Schieffer is regarded as one of the most vicious little weasels in the news business. He's a throat-cutter among the best of them. I wouldn't be surprised to see him back in the anchor chair before Katie can clear the eyeliner out of her desk. But again...Scrooge vault....rolling in dough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two down, a few million more to go.