Thursday, March 15, 2007


Trader Rick said...

That's COLONEL Custer. The star was a brevet rank held during the War Between the States...

Tonto said...

What do cartoonists know?


Actually, in spite of his rank being a LT Col at the time military custom along with societal norms he would have been referred to as General. The theory being that the highest rank someone achieved in life that is how they should be referred to

Tonto said...

that makes sense. So you would refer to President Washington as "President" even though he may have been General at the time??


Yes, since the Commander-in-Chief is the highest rank

Lone Ranger said...

Figure this one out. Back in 1970, I worked with an Air Force sergeant (E-4) who had once been a colonel. He had been RIFed (reduction in force) and if he stayed in until retirement, he would retire with O-6 pay. We never called him colonel.

Boy, was he bitter.


LR, can't explain that one, my responses were based on how it was explained at Ft. Lincoln and what I've heard explained about English Heraldry.

Sounds more than a Reduction in Force, it's sounds like he was demoted for something pretty major, but then that doesn't explain why he would have gotten the 0-6 bennefits.

Of course bureacracy never really ever makes sense

It gets really confusing when a Pastor is also a Doctor because it becomes something like Doctor Reverend.

Lone Ranger said...

Whoda thought a cartoon would generate this much discussion?

Tonto said...

LR that is what is special about your blog!

That is why this blog is just NOT for everyone!