Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Candidate Selector

Don't have the slightest idea who the next presidential candidates should be? Try this candidate selector. I tried it and Duncan Hunter topped the list at 100%. Newt came in second place. I guess I'll have to study up on Hunter. Question 10 looked biased to me. A candidate can support lower taxes without ignoring the deficit. Bush's tax cuts have cut the deficit in half in about half the time it was projected to take.


Trader Rick said...

We came up with Hunter at 100% also. We had Newt at 4th and at the bottom two: Osamabama and Algore.

Hunter is a congressman from San Diego County since 1980 and was an Airborne Ranger LT in Viet Nam. The only blemish on his record that I know of is that he, like Edwards, is a trial lawyer by trade.

But, like Edwards, he is relatively young, and good looking ,which are important assets that the sheeples like.

Go Gators!

Anonymous said...

I didn't take it...the whole thing looked too biased to me.

Anonymous said...

Coincidence? On the 2 guys who announced today, I got Tancredo 100%, Obama 0%.
That Tancredo must be one smart dude!

Mark said...

I did it and came up with Hunter as well. I never even heard of him before but I looked up his website and what I read clearly impressed me. Time to start a "Draft Hunter" drive.

Mark said...

From reading the comments, I would surmise that Duncan Hunter is the Conservatives candidate in 2008.

Mark said...

Here's my results:

(100%) 1: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R)
(89%) 2: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R)
(86%) 3: Sen. Sam Brownback (R)
(84%) 4: Sen. George Allen (R)
(79%) 5: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R)
(73%) 6: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R)
(68%) 7: Sen. John McCain (R)
(66%) 8: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R)
(61%) 9: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R)
(60%) 10: Gov. George Pataki (R)

Chuck Hagel number 6?

Lone Ranger said...

You never can tell. If a Republican candidate makes the slightest slip of the tongue, the Democrats scream for a public execution. Anything could happen between now and then.

tugboatcapn said...

I got George Allen with 100%, and hunter second with 95%.

I'm with D.Dad, however.

Some of those questions were so ridiculously worded that there was no right answer.

The whole thing was listing drastically to the port side.

On my list the bottom two were Al Gore and John Francois Kerry.

Tonto said...

Hey Tugboatcapn...I did the same as you!!