Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I hit the road at about 10 am Tuesday, which is very late for me. But my friend had some problems and needed a hug. And as I predicted it would, the ETA on my trip computer seduced me into making the drive in one day. "Oh, 10:30 PM. I can do that if I don't stop for meals or to nap." Well, with the fast food stops, the gas stops, the "rest" stops, the road construction and the traffic slowdowns, 10:30 turned into 11:30 and then 12:30 and I finally pulled into the garage at 1:30 -- right on the button, according to my trip computer. I had enough energy to haul one bag upstairs -- I'll do the rest tomorrow.....Or today..... After I wake up. One interesting gas story. I pulled into a BP in Indiana that had gas for $2.24/9 (I hate that point-nine. Who do they think they're fooling?) and before I could get the nozzle in the tank, the price dropped to 2.11/9. As I was filling the tank, a guy with a suction cup at the end of a long pole and a couple of 1's under his arm came out to change the price on the sign. I looked across the street and there was a guy at the Shell station doing the same thing. And what was I thinking during this once in a lifetime experience? The Democrats must be foaming blood. Going to bed now. My beautiful, rumpled, unmade bed. No matter how great the trip, I'm always glad to see my own beautiful, hard, lumpy bed. I especially like the way it spins after a 15-hour drive. I have to be up in four hours to get my critters out of hock. That could be another story.


Tonto said...

Please explain how the .9 gets calculated. Does that mean the gas is really $1.33? I never did get this.

Cathy said...

Welcome Home, Kimosabe.

Trader Rick said...

I don't know what part of Kansas you were in Kimo, but in OUR part of INDIANA gas is around $2.24 give or take. It's great! Glad you're back--wonder if the kitties will remember you?

Lone Ranger said...

Oops, that was a typo. It should have been 2.24 and 2.11. I fixed it. Gas in the boonies of VA is 2.04. I filled up my tank when I went to get my cats. They totally ignored me for about 10 hours and now they're their demanding selves. I think that 2.11 gas was around Greenfield, Indiana.

Mark said...

Welcome back, my friend. Now get to work. You have some serious Democrat butt to kick!

Lone Ranger said...

I've been a bit listless since I got back. I still have a week left on my vacation and was intending to spend it doing things I've been putting off, but so far, no luck getting motivated.

Ms.Green said...

Welcome home.