So, at about 7:15 this morning, my boss told me I could leave early if there was a break in the rain and sign out at my usual time. Just so happens that as he was speaking, the rain broke and I dashed for the door. But I also signed out early too. It will mean I'll have to take a half-hour of vacation time (they're really strict) but at least my concience is clear. I drove home with the top down and made it about five minutes before the rain started up again. Two more nights of work. I hate driving with that plastic on my top. It flaps like crazy, no matter how slowly I go.
It drives me crazy when it rains here in Maryland. I drove through a deluge of Biblical proportions on my way back home form the aquarium the other day.
I don't remember so many drivers pulling off to the side of the road to wait the rain out in Kansas.
And what i think is strange is, the slowest and most careful drivers are the ones in SUV's. The 4 wheel drive vehicles! Aren't those supposed to be the vehicles with the best traction?
A vehicle is only as good as its driver. A few years ago, I was driving home during a light rain and I guess the woman in the SUV behind me thought I wasn't going fast enough. She whipped past me and then pulled in front of me to send my a message -- and then her message became horribly garbled when she went into a 360. It took all my driving skills not to smash right into her.
In Denver, we called them 4-wheel liberals. They'd drive macho vehicles without the slightest idea of how to drive in bad weather.
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