I had a little time on my hands tonight, so I decided I'd try to figure out the truth behind John Murtha's war record. I ran up against a stone wall REAL fast. I went to Murtha's congressional web site and here's what I found. The site links to "The official notifications of award for John P. Murtha’s Bronze Star and Purple Hearts." Well, those are just basically packing invoices. I got one of those for every medal I ever received. I didn't even keep them. They were usually wrapped around the box with a rubber band and told me what was inside. I also get one of those every time I order something from Amazon.com. Where are the citations? Where are the combat reports? Where is the information describing how those medals were earned?
This guy is hiding something, and that is not the action of a proud warrior. Reminds me of another hero, confessed war criminal John Kerry. He won't let us see his records either. And here we go. I've never caught Brent Bozell in a lie, so there's no reason I should distrust his report.Like Kerry, Murtha's medals came for surface wounds that never caused his evacuation from the battlefield, and like Kerry, he attempted to get his medals by political manipulation, in Murtha's case, through then-Rep. John Saylor. But Saylor's office felt it was odd for Murtha to seek medals for "superficial lacerations.
I can think of few things that enrage veterans more than someone who misrepresents their military accomplishments. It's only a matter of time before the MSM get to the bottom of it.
Pfffft. Yeah, sure.
Murtha is a traitor. So is Kerry. And if the Libs insist on saying because they served in the military, they can't be treasonous, one only has to cite Benedict Arnold.
Once again, great reporting, LR. I am proud to link to your report on my site.
Thanks for doing the job the "mainstream news" used to do.
Is there no copy of the Citations for the awards in the public view? That might settle the question. I don't understand why these guys won't release their records unless there is something to hide.
Mark is right about them both being Traitors. Past glory doesn't make up for present crimes.
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