Saturday, June 24, 2006

How NOT to Handle North Korea

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Former Vice President Walter Mondale said Friday he supports a pre-emptive U.S. strike against a North Korean missile, saying the U.S. should tell North Korea to dismantle the missile or "we are going to take it out."

"I think it would end the nuclear long-range dreams of this dangerous country," said Mondale, who was the 1984 Democratic presidential nominee and a former U.S. ambassador to Japan.

OK.....let's see if I understand this....Walter Mondale is still alive??? This is the guy, who in his 1984 campaign, pledged to raise taxes. He was defeated in a landslide, winning only DC and his home state of Minnesota. And now this savvy politician wants us to attack North Korea? Kim Jong Mentally-Il doesn't believe his Stalinist system will ever succeed. He stays in power only to live the high life and to be worshiped like a god. If anything at all threatens his position, he will unleash everything he has on South Korea and Japan and kill millions. Dropping a bomb on a North Korean missile site would be like kicking a hornets' nest. Seoul is easily within North Korean artillery range and the first target would be the family housing of American troops. We're in a tight situation on this one.

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) -- Most Asian nations would cheer -- some louder than others -- if the U.S. knocks down a long-range missile tested by North Korea. But a failed attempt to intercept it would send serious shivers through the region, analysts say.

Many countries in Asia still rely on U.S. military might to keep the peace in the complex region -- home to some of the world's most dangerous potential flash points: the Taiwan Strait, India-Pakistan and the Koreas.

We could pulverize North Korea militarily, but the cost in South Korean lives would be immense.


Cathy said...

"OK.....let's see if I understand this....Walter Mondale is still alive???"

I just spewed coffee all over my keyboard reading that! Too funny!

Lone Ranger said...

I'll count that as my good deed for Saturday.

Tonto said...

I also have to add that picture is priceless...that picture is the kind that can have no story and you just make up the caption underneath...

love it!!

Lone Ranger said...

There's a bright golden haze on the meadow,
There's a bright golden haze on the meadow,
The corn is as high as Kim Jong Il's eye,
An' it looks like it's climbin' clear up to the sky.

Lone Ranger said...

A girl and a dog? Yeah, I sent them down the yellow brick road.

Tonto said...

Thank you. thank you. you made my night. that was just what I was looking for.

Lone Ranger said...

Uh oh, two good deeds in one day. I wonder if I can roll one over into Sunday. All I want is clear skies for the drive home.