I'd forgotten all about this.
(CNSNews.com) - Members of the press have given extensive and glowing coverage to Rep. John Murtha’s criticism of the war in Iraq, but have overlooked a number of other controversies the Pennsylvania Democrat has experienced over the past 25 years. This includes his reported role as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Abscam bribery scandal of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Murtha has denied any wrongdoing, but Cybercast News Service has learned that one of Murtha’s former allies, a Democratic congressman who served on the House Ethics Committee in 1981 and says he lobbied colleagues not to censure Murtha, now believes Murtha lied to him about his role in Abscam.There is also evidence that Murtha is a phony and a liar when it comes to his war record.
Murtha is a retired marine and was the first Vietnam combat veteran elected to Congress. Since 1967, there have been at least three different accounts of the injuries that purportedly earned Murtha his Purple Hearts. Those accounts also appear to conflict with the limited military records that are available, and Murtha has thus far refused to release his own military records.Is there ANY Democrat in Congress who has the moral authority to comment on ANYTHING???
The short answer to your question is, "No." Moral authority is an oxymoron to them.
Not unless it involves besmirching and undermining George W. Bush.
That alone is the focus of their whole existence right now.
How sad and petty are they going to appear in fifty years or so?
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