Saturday, April 22, 2006

CIA Dissident Canned

The CIA has fired a long-serving intelligence officer for leaking classified information to The Washington Post and other news organizations. The leaker has been identified as Mary O'Neil McCarthy, the senior director for intelligence under Clinton, and a Kerry supporter. McCarthy was close to retirement and now loses her pension. Good! She should also spend the next decade or so behind bars. This woman is typical of an underground dissident movement among federal employees who hate the president and do everything they can to undermine his administration. Whether leaking classified information to the press or just sitting with their feet on their desk, refusing to implement directives from on high, these federal employees love their country only when there is a Democrat in the White House. No matter who inhabits the White House, there is a cadre of Democratic federal employees who stay in place, nearly invulnerable to dismissal, whether they perform their jobs or not. In addition to their already existent laziness and incompetence, they make deliberate efforts to sabotage the administration. More of them should be tracked down and fired.



Or tried for treason

Lone Ranger said...

I'm not saying the Democrats are organizing leaks. I'm saying it is a liberal mindset to try to undermine a Republican president. The left in this country has a pretty tattered reputation when it comes to keeping national secrets, from nuclear plans to the Pentagon papers, our prisons are not filled with Republican spies.

Vigilis said...

Lone Ranger, unfortunately, our prisons are not filled with Democrat traitors, either.

Lone Ranger said...

Democrat, Communist, what's the difference? By the way, felons tend to vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Why do you think the Dems want prison inmates to have the "right" to vote?