Saturday, December 03, 2005

Jews, Christians, We Were Both Tossed to Lions

I just put a new site on my blogroll. It has some very interesting stuff on it. I've always considered the only difference between Jews and Christians to be that Christians have found the Messiah and Jews are still waiting. That's a very small difference to justify the centuries of conflict between the two groups. Don Feder says this:

Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation was organized because we recognize that Christians are the last remaining obstacle to the moral deconstruction of America, because attacks on Christians are motivated by hatred for the values they espouse.

But the morality of Christianity is also the morality of Judaism - hence the expression Judeo-Christian ethic. By maintaining their loyalty to the eternal values revealed at Sinai, Christians have become pariahs in the eyes of the establishment, but heroes in our eyes.

Finally, we understand that if Christians falter, America will fail - with disastrous consequences for Jews and Christian alike.



what a great site! Thanks for adding it to your blogroll

Tonto said...

I just posted something similar regarding a jewish advocacy group who defended Christmas this week, showing a great example you rarely see of what diversity and tolerance are suppose to mean.

Thanks for the site link.

I am going on vacation for the next couple of weeks to Italy and I will miss your site, but I will be back after Christmas.
Take Care Lone Ranger.

Lone Ranger said...

If you're going to Italy, there are two phrases you should learn: La madre, smette prego di picchiettare la mia pancia. -- Mother, please stop patting my belly.

Il signore, smette prego di picchiettare la mia parte inferiore. -- Sir, please stop patting my bottom.