Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ho Hum

Everybody was outraged this week over an anti-war ad on ( that supposedly shows American soldiers gathered around a chow table in Iraq, while their relatives enjoy a Thanksgiving feast in the U.S. Trouble is, the soldiers in the ad are British. I'm not outraged. I'm not even surprised. The two subjects on which liberals are most ignorant are the military and religion. Mistakes like that are made because liberals know absolutely nothing about the military. They don't support our troops, they despise the military and everything it stands for -- not that they know what it stands for. Why? The military -- along with religion -- symbolize responsibility and commitment. The very foundation of liberalism is to further irresponsibility without consequences. Liberals are moral and physical cowards. They do not have the courage to make sacrifices to right wrongs as people as young as 17 do in our military. They do not have what it takes to live life to the moral standards the military demands and they are unwilling to face the consequences of bad behavior. None of the people behind the ad has ever even considered wearing a military uniform. This fear of consequences runs across the board. They defend abortion to avoid the consequences of promiscuity. They promote welfare to avoid the consequences of laziness, drug addiction and irresponsibility. They promote big government so they can be taken care of from cradle to grave -- never having to become adults and take care of themselves. And most of all, they hate God because He is the ultimate judge, who will someday pass judgement on their lives whether they want it or not.


prying1 said...

That is telling them Lone Ranger!

Couple problems though. Few of the liberals passing by will read your post and many who do will quit reading because it will strike to their hearts. As soon as they feel a twinge they will back off. Some will not understand it because they will be too busy screaming that 'you' are filled with hate. The sprinkling of liberals that do comprehend your words will discount any truth in them by simply stating that it is from the wrong side of the aisle so it cannot be accepted.

Vigilis said...

Lone Ranger, your observations are an accurate, liberal stereotype. What many still do not connect, however, is that one profession particularly benefits from the culture of irresponsibility you describe.

Coincidentally, it is the profession that currently infests the U.S. Senate and largely runs and finances one of our main political parties.

Enjoying your blog daily.

Lone Ranger said...

Liberals will quit reading...and the downside of that is??

In no way is this blog intended to change liberals' minds. The average liberal's mind is closed tighter than a duck's butt.

As far as calling me a hater, if the best they can do is engage in name-calling, it just shows how intellectually bankrupt they are. They have no ideas. They have no solutions. They are irrelevant -- dangerous but irrelevant.

Mark said...

Exactly, LR. I have finally wised up and told that infantile, hateful, drug addled, Bruiser character to stay off my blog, and deleted his last two hate filled rants.

I wish I could articulate how I feel about Liberals half as well as you. Good job.

Lone Ranger said...

It's easy. Just pretend you're a nun chastising an unruly Catholic school boy.

I have comment moderation turned on and am not afraid to use it, but since I opened comments, I have not had to discard a single liberal diatribe. Either they're not reading my blog, or they can't come up with anything intelligent to say. I'm guessing it's a bit of both.