Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Democrat's Nightmare

It's just a fact that the Democrats want George Bush to fail. They want us to give up in Iraq. They want us to betray the people of the Middle East just as we betrayed the people of Southeast Asia. They want the economy to go into the dumper. When a bad thing happens to the United States, it's a good thing for the Democrats. But gas prices are falling, the economy is strong, and if people who would never consider wearing the uniform would just shut up and let our troops fight, the war in Iraq would be going much more smoothly. It isn't going well for liberals. Take a look at this from the liberal New York Times.

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 24 - After four years of tight budgets and deepening debt, most states from California to Maine are experiencing a marked turnaround in their fiscal fortunes, with billions of dollars more in tax receipts than had been projected pouring into coffers around the country.

The windfall is a result of both a general upturn in the economy and conservative budgeting by state officials in recent years, and it is leading to the restoration of school funding, investments in long-neglected roads and bridges, debt reduction, and the return of money borrowed from cities and counties.

How could this happen? Tax cuts were supposed to impoverish us all! In muddied liberal economics, the more money the government drains from the economy, the better the economy gets. Of course, this has never worked, but liberals don't let facts slow them down. Since all their other hopes for failure don't seem to be panning out, expect the liberals to become even more strident over the war. Somebody at AlJazeera will be burning the midnight oil, editing the wealth of comments from Democrats who will give hope to the terrorists that all they have to do is hold out to make us turn tail and run.

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