Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Double Standards

Karl Rove's blood is in the water. I'd say the sharks are circling, but sharks have a certain nobility about them. I'll just say that Karl Rove's blood is in the water and the liberal bottom feeders smell it. You all know the details. Here's what should happen. If Karl Rove is charged with a crime, he should be suspended. If he is convicted, he should be fired. Of course, it is at the President's discretion to fire him if he is proven to have leaked information. Nothing has yet been proven. The Democrats and their ilk are always whining about fairness, that's fair, isn't it? Let's take a look at some of the people who are demanding Mr. Rove's resignation. Barbara Boxer, during the House bank scandal of 1992, wrote 143 worthless checks in 39 months on the House bank. That prompted Boxer to tell the Sacramento Bee that "I didn't pay enough attention to my personal checking account" She took the Barby doll defense -- "Math is hard!" The bad checks totaled $41,417 - or an average of $289.63 for each of her worthless checks. She didn't resign. She ran for the Senate. Senator Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy would go out for a fun night in Washington to a place called La Brasserie, and they were notorious for making waitress sandwiches. That's either Dodd or Kennedy on the bottom, waitress in the middle, and either Dodd or Kennedy on the top. Dodd hasn't resigned. Ted Kennedy KILLED A WOMAN! He hasn't resigned. Homosexual Congressman Barney Frank fixed traffic tickets for his lover, who was running a gay prostitution business out of Frank's apartment. Frank didn't resign. Senator Robert Byrd was a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan. He recruited 150 people into that terrorist organization. Byrd says he never did anything violent, but can he swear the same about the 150 people he recruited? He surely has blood on his hands. Byrd won't resign. Senator Joe Biden was forced to drop his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 because he had plagiarized from British pol Neil Kinnock. Biden is still in the Senate. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure I could find more if I did a bit of research. If you are a liberal, all sins are forgiven. If you are a conservative, you are savaged at the slightest misstep. How do these people look at themselves in a mirror? Have they no shame, no self-respect, no sense of dignity or honor? What am I thinking? They're Democrats.

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