Monday, June 13, 2005

Here We Go Again!

According to the Washington Post, the Senate is set to vote today (Monday) on a resolution to apologize for the failure to enact an anti-lynching law first proposed 105 years ago. "The apology is long overdue," said Sen. George Allen (R-Va.), who is sponsoring the resolution with Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.). "Our history does include times when we failed to protect individual freedom and rights." Why must this country continually apologize for the barbarism of the Democratic party? It was southern Democrats, who three times filibustered to stop passage of a federal anti-Lynch law. Even Lyndon Johnson once voted against it. Yet, it is the entire Senate who must issue an apology? This is how Democrats operate. They commit the WORST human rights abuses and when history looks back to judge them, they have already fled the scene of the crime. It isn't Democrats who enslaved Africans, it was America. It wasn't Democrats who were segregationists, it was America. It wasn't Democrats who formed the KKK, it was Americans. It wasn't Democrats who passed Jim Crow laws, it was America. It wasn't a Democrat who threw Japanese-Americans into WW2 detention camps, it was America. It wasn't a Democrat who dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, it was America. It wasn't a Democrat who waged war on North Vietnam, it was America. And AMERICA is continually pressured to apologize for these atrocities. I'm betting that when humanity finally evolves to the point where it can look back on abortion and judge it to be the worst holocaust ever to be inflicted on this country, there won't be a single Democrat on the horizon. It's what they do. Update: I just sent a copy of this post to Virginia Governor Mark Warner. If you don't hear from me, it's because I've been visited by the VA State Troopers.