"Save Social Security first" -- Al Gore.
"Save Social Security first" -- Richard Gephardt.
"Save Social Security first" -- Ted Kennedy.
"Save Social Security first" -- Barbara Boxer.
What happened here? The Democrats were clamoring to save social security until George Bush became President. Now, they're saying there is no social security crisis. Of course, EVERYTHING was a crisis when the Clintons were in the White House. Was there a document in with all those pardons Clinton signed before he left office that fixed social security? Something must have happened, because suddenly the Democrats say nothing is wrong. Social security doesn't need fixing. Don't worry, be happy. The Dems are so convinced of this that they booed and hissed the President last night (really classy) when he brought up the subject to an audience of blue-fingered Republicans and pasty-faced Democrats. What happened here is that the Democrats aren't the least bit concerned about the welfare of this country if they aren't the people in power. No solution to our problems is good enough if it isn't theirs. Of course, since the Dems have no solutions, being in or out of power is moot. They are the CAUSE of our country's problems, not the solution. Whenever you are puzzled about the motivation of liberals, trace the power or the money. Once you find out who gets the money or who gets the power, it will become clear as fresh air.