Monday, January 03, 2005

Thin Skin

One of my Christmas gifts this year was the book, "How to Talk to A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter. I squealed like a little schoolgirl when I unwrapped it. I love Ann Coulter's writing. She knows how thin-skinned liberals are and delights in slashing them with thorns. The very same people who scream at the top of their lungs that the leader of the free world is a traitor, a liar, a moron, etc., suddenly whimper like toddlers or bluster like British old maids when shown their own shortcomings. They're like terrorists. Muslims dance in the streets when a terrorist blows up a plane full of innocent people, but the "Arab street" will be outraged if one of these murderous barbarians is forced to wear an Israeli flag during interrogation. And who comes to their defense? The thin-skinned liberals. Psychological birds of a feather.