Stern lectures for the logically-challenged. Others have opinions, I have convictions.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Tuesday was a nice day, so I decided to make my second annual Santa drive around the capital beltway. So, I got into my Santa suit, put the top down on my burgundy, 2001 Firebird and started out. It took about an hour and the response I got was amazing. I got waves, cheers and smiles from people my age. People in their 20s leaned out their window to take pictures with throw away cameras, digital cams and even camera phones. People honked and waved and, best of all, smiled. Even a few guys who looked like they'd just as soon kill you as look at you, edged their car up even with mine just to get a wave. It was an amazing experience. Next year -- two laps around the beltway.