Friday, December 24, 2004

My Constitutional Amendment

I think I have come up with a Constitutional amendment that would fix most of the things wrong with our government. "All regulatory agencies shall be required to submit regulations to Congress in the form of bills to be debated for passage into law." Imagine what would happen if these agencies could no longer issue regulations at the volume of a snow blower. Imagine what would happen to some of these stupid regulations if they actually had to be debated in the light of day. Imagine if Congress were suddenly deluged with a flood of bureaucratic paperwork that would force them to actually do their jobs of lawmaking. No more idle minds and hands in Congress, no more unelected bureaucrats making law. It would bring the machinery of government nearly to a grinding halt, forcing lawmakers to concentrate only on the necessary and to discard the stupid, the irrelevant, the repressive. It would free us from slavery to the government just as surely as the 13th Amendment freed slaves from their Democrat masters.