Saturday, January 30, 2010

Help Obama Cut the Budget

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will propose cutting or changing some 120 items in his budget for fiscal 2011 that will help save $20 billion this year, the White House said on Saturday.

I think it behooves us as citizens to help the president slow spending. So, here are some suggestions.

1. Make Nancy Pelosi fly coach -- on Spirit Air.

2. Have the president switch to generic cigarettes.

3. Have you checked the price of arugula lately?

4. Make sure the tires on all government vehicles are inflated properly.

5. Air Force One -- No. Greyhound One -- Yes.

6. Do we REALLY need the Secret Service?

7. Replace all government limousines with Smart Cars.

8. Instead of weekly White House parties -- DVD night.

9. Cooking staff? Papa John's. Just one topping and put cap on tips. Don't forget the coupon.

10. Make mother-in-law pay for room and board.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Eliminate teleprompters. Return to index cards notes. Then, make National TV appearances at least a weekly thing rather than a daily thing. Less appearances, less index cards, less paperwork.