Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I made a little modification to my Truths About Liberals. Number 5 used to say, "Liberals have no moral standards." Though true, it sounded a bit harsh. I've asked plenty of them that if they have moral standards, where are they written? After all, they can't be standards unless everyone knows what they are. And for that, they have to be written somewhere. Number 5 is now, "The only standards liberals have are double standards." It is not only catchier, it covers a lot more ground. And it doesn't need to be explained.


Mark said...

The only reason I don't make a lot of changes to my blog is because I don't like to mess with it too much. Other than write more posts. lately, I've had to edit it more than usual, because I put your "Truths about Liberals" on my sidebar. Then, you change them.

Keeping up with you is becoming a full time job.

Lone Ranger said...

I try to stay away form changes too. But it's your fault this time. you posted those truths first and I thought it was a grand ides. I'm keeping up with YOU.

Lady Vi said...

Now boys! Am I going to have to be the referee here? ;-)

Lady Vi said...

Oh, and I like the change, LR.