Friday, October 16, 2009

"Condoleeza Rice Racism"

Was it just me or did you fall out of your recliner too last night watching O'Reilly - when you saw this exchange? Why is it okay to do or say these things to people like Condoleeza Rice or Juan Williams? I have never heard that term used ever in conversation in my life. It sounds as bad as I thought it would. How could that man say that to Juan?


namaste said...

oh brother. they lost me at "real black people."

Lone Ranger said...

It goes back to my comments on the liberal plantation. Liberals hold blacks in chains of ideology just as surely as they used to hold them in chains of iron. They expect blacks to think, speak and especially, vote the way "real blacks" should. And they set their dogs on any black who dares to stray off the liberal plantation, no matter whether they are a successful journalist, a Secretary of State, a Supreme Court Justice, or just an average guy carrying a semi-automatic black rifle to a town hall.

Joe said...

"Real Black People?" You mean like Jesse Jackson, who makes a mockery of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. almost daily? You mean like Al Sharpton, who spews unmitigated hatred with every exhalation of breath?

These are not the "real black" people I know.

The "real black people" I know are hard working people of high moral character who look for every opportunity to propogate liberty and justice for all.

Warren Ballentine is anything BUT a "real black person."

He is the essence of plantationism.