Friday, June 12, 2009


I am 60 years old.


Mark said...

I thought you were closer to my age--57. Anyway, you look younger.

Happy Birthday! Go to Ruth's Chris and celebrate. I e-mailed you the money for it.

Cathy said...

Happy Birthday, Kimosabe.

Lone Ranger said...

I WAS closer to your age -- about three years ago.

Cyndi L said...

Hippo birdy two ewes!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, LR! I like surrounding myself with those wiser (and...ummmm...older) than I! :)

Jim O said...

57 on the 10th. I'm three years behind you, and I have no intention of catching up!

Justin said...

Happy Birthday LR, you are 1 year older than my dad.....which isn't old by todays standards.

Tonto said...

Alright how did you spend the day? Did you cook? What?

Don't forget - 60 is the new 40!

Anonymous said...

happy b-day L.R. i hope you had a good one! hope your ankle feels better.

p.s. my brother still loves his raddle paddle.

Lone Ranger said...

That paddle party is one I won't forget. Wish someone had told me and I'd have brought more presents than just a dog bone.

Anonymous said...

I knew I missed something!

Belated Bday Wishes!!