Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Best Star Trek EVER!

So, I went to the movies today for the first time since Iron Man, and I was not disappointed. This movie was what the original series should have been but could not be because of the limited budget and special effects of that time. When I taught TV production, I served up Star Trek as an excellent example of how to enhance cheap sets with artistic lighting. For the first time, the Enterprise was depicted as a massive ship, like many of the Navy ships I've been on -- huge compartments with exposed pipes and circuitry, populated by hundreds of people. Come to think of it, a lot of Navy buildings look like that too. The Navy isn't big on interior decoration -- but you can't beat the food. Although the movie could have stood alone, there were plenty of bits in it for old Star Trek fans, such as how the bridge crew formed their relationships, got their nicknames, etc. I liked how all the characters resembled their future selves. The best were Kirk, Spock and Bones (Chekov, not so much). The romance between Uhuru and Spock was a bit hard to swallow though. Speaking of Spock, Leonard Nimoy has a major role, not just a cameo appearance. Wow, he's old. Promoting Kirk from a cadet to a Captain (colonel/O6) was also unrealistic (like beaming and phasers ARE?). This could be the beginning of an entirely new Star Trek franchise, if the actors don't let their egos get in the way. Too often, actors become famous and suddenly the role that catapulted them into the spotlight is beneath them. How many Batmans (Batmen?) have there been? I'd give it two thumbs up, but my left thumb is helping hold my coffee cup at the moment. Opposable thumbs, what a great invention. More proof of God.


JoAnna said...

Same Here! Jedi Master Rob and I went out on a date for the first time in over a year (new baby) and we decided to see the new Star Trek. We are so glad we did. I especially like how they set it up to continue on its own.

Cyndi L said...

This movie was the best I've seen in YEARS. I tend to like almost all mindless action-adventure flix, but I loved loved loved this one. The new Spock is amazing...and such a dead ringer too!

Tonto said...

Oh thanks. I am going to see it this weekend. Now I can't wait. Is this your first movie review? Loved it. Thanks.

Lone Ranger said...

I don't see a lot of movies -- maybe one every year or two.

Trader Rick said...

Thouroughly enjoyable for old trekkies!