Monday, May 11, 2009


THAT was the bill for Guinevere's dental work last week. Gwen is now a $3,000 barn cat. And that's not counting the checkups she's had since I got her nearly four years ago. As I recall, my first cat was a Siamese kitten that my dad got somewhere for $5. And that was fairly high for something that you could find running free in a barn. I could buy 209 cats with just what I spent on Gwen's teeth. I've had a cast on now for more than three weeks, and my ankle is feeling a bit better. I no longer have the constant pain, but it still hurts a bit when a walk. Three more weeks and then we'll see if I need surgery. I don't know if I talked about this before, but I have falling dreams. At least once a day, I'm sleeping soundly and it feels as if the world drops out from under me. I wake up flailing and there are cats jumping in every direction. Well, yesterday, I had one of those dreams. I opened my eyes, and I had one hand on the bed and one on the wall and I was suspended above the floor like Spiderman. It seems that in my SLEEP, I fell out of bed and saved myself with my cat-like reflexes -- which I didn't know I had. Good thing too, because my bed is on risers, and with the four-inch memory foam pad, it's nearly as high as my waist (standing, not lying down). I'm in that place where there is so much corruption and incompetence in government that I don't know where to begin. So I don't. I'll try to start blogging later this week. Time now to learn about the survival of wild African dogs from a show I recorded last night. Then, to bed. Maybe I should put cats on either side of me so I don't roll off. My other blog has earned a grand total of 70 cents since I monetized it. Looks like I'm going to have to provide matching funds if I'm going to give it to charity.


Tonto said...

This link interprets falling dreams. You must be anxious or overwhlemed by something.

Mark said...

WOW! You are actually making money blogging?

Either I was wrong about monetizing your blog, or you just get a lot more traffic than I do. In over two years, when I had google ads on mine, I never generated a penny.

Lone Ranger said...

I don't understand it either. It's a purely informational blog, so people aren't even allowed to leave comments or interact. Mind you, I haven't seen a check yet.