Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Fox News reports that a tofu-lover in Colorado didn't get the personalized license plate she wanted. It seems the state thought the plate could be offensive to some. I can't imagine why. ILVTOFU By the way, combine some firm, chopped tofu, mayo, chopped onions and a squirt of mustard and you'll have a pretty darn good imitation egg salad. I took the night off Monday and spent it cleaning my apartment. I've been letting things slide since I broke my ankle in November. It took me 11 hours, but it's tidy now. Sarah and Willow are in awe, because they've never seen the place clean before. They can walk along and just flop down anywhere without fear of impaling themselves on something. And their chases have become much more entertaining since they've been able to increase their speed. Somehow, a clutter-free space seems bigger. I got a self-winding wrist watch recently. The problem is, I don't move enough to keep it wound (well, I don't wear it at work or at home). So, I had to get a watch winder to keep it going. I didn't even know there was such a thing. I'm guessing I have once again thwarted those people who say I'm impossible to shop for. O'Reilly time.


Tonto said...

UHH I can see why?

We get it everywhere else I don't want to start reading expletives on license plates too.

But how funny that the exact same initials can stand for separate sentences!

Its like that stupid line Brittany sings in her song Megyn Kelly was criticizing...If you seek me...5 times fast...

Who knew?

Mark said...

I got my wife that free pearl necklace from Stauer you linked to the other week.

"It is very nice", my wife said, just before she placed it back in the velvet bag it came in and put it away in the drawer.

(sigh) You aren't the only one hard to shop for.

Mark said...

I have sprain (sprained?) both of my ankles several times in my lifetime, but last year I sustained a particularly bad and painful one in my left ankle. It took a couple of weeks to heal, unlike the couple of days previous sprains took, and the swelling didn't go completely down for several weeks.

But it healed. I think. Lately, it has been giving me a lot of pain for no apparent reason. I don't know what's going on.

I guess I'm getting old.

I don't like tofu, onions, mayo, or mustard, so you'll pardon me if I don't try your recipe for imitation egg salad.

I liked mustard when i was a child but I made the mistake of making myself a mustard sandwich. I could never eat mustard again.

Tonto said...

Actually now that I am thinking of it...forget the TOFU lover that would be a better license plate for a lawyer... :)

Lone Ranger said...

Soooo, WAS it really nice? I've never laid eyes on one. Maybe the person I got it for was just being polite.

I hated butter as a kid. I remember when I was about nine, stepping out the door on my way to Sunday school and getting hit in the face with the odor of butter that was just overwhelming. I don't know what it was or where it came from. It was like being doused with a bucket of water. I got instantly sick and told my dad I didn't want to go to church. He wasn't having any of it. I got my revenge by throwing up all over the classroom and being in bed for three days. I wasn't able to eat butter again until I joined the military. I found out that bread and butter was one of the few things the mess hall couldn't screw up.

Tonto said...

I wish I could find a food that would make me never want it again.

Lone Ranger said...

Try uni. It is the edible part of the sea urchin. Worst thing I've ever tasted in my life. It was like licking the bilge water in the hold of a Chinese junk. Not that I've ever tasted the bilge water in the hull of a Chinese junk, but I've smelled it.

Mark said...

Sorry about taking so long to answer, LR.

Like you, I don't know if my wife was just being polite, but she did say, "It's too short, and won't fit my neck without an extender".

I said, "I'll make it fit"

She said, "You'll choke me to death trying."

I said, "Is that supposed to be a down side?"