Sunday, December 07, 2008


I've been home from work for about two hours.  I just got out of the kitchen, where I prepared a batch of cashew brittle for work and two Philly steak sandwiches also for work.
FYI: I removed Michael Medved from my list of conservative streaming radio because of this.  It appears he has turned to the dark side.
My tree is looking pretty bedraggled. There are about 15 ornaments scattered from here to the kitchen.  And many of the ribbons and garlands have been torn off.  I guess I'll have to repair it when my work week ends on Tuesday.  
It seems that by adopting two more kittens, I have become a pariah. (pariah, pariah, they call the wind pariah (Great!  I have that song stuck in my head again!))  I was looking for a new apartment last week and they all have a two-pet limit.  You know me, I cannot tell a lie, so looks like I'm doomed to live here forever.  It wouldn't be too bad if they'd stop losing my rent checks and would allow me to have a dog.  For all I know, my current building also has a two-pet limit, but I'm going to follow a Clinton policy -- don't ask, don't tell. 
Ginger and Willow have ringworm.  So, I'm treating that twice a day.  It involves wrestling them down -- at great risk to life and limb -- and rubbing in a few drops of medication.  You'd think I were killing them.  I have taught Willow how to play fetch.  She's better than Sam was because she doesn't maim me when I take the toy from her.  I miss Sam and Chito.  I will never forgive myself for either one of them being gone.  
And now, since my eyes are clouded with tears, I guess it's time for bed.  Two more nights of work.

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