Thursday, December 11, 2008


UPDATE:  And what's with that hair?
If this thing with Illinois governor Ron....Rob....Rod....whatever....Blagojevich has taught us anything, it is that nobody with a Russian name should be allowed to hold public office -- ANYWHERE.
It has also taught a bunch of airhead broadcasters how to pronounce Blagojevich. 
Although the capital of Illinois is Springfield, Chicago politics have corrupted the entire state.  
The three most corrupt states in the country are Illinois, New York and Louisiana.  And, not coincidentally, they have all been in the hands of a Democratic political machine.  
Obama reacted immediately (or the few hours afterwards that it took to come up with a story) with his usual response.  Obama had not met with the governor.  He had not talked with the governor about his Senate seat.  He doesn't even know the governor.  And what kind if name is Blagojevich anyway?  Ummm, yeah.  And what's with that hair?
Of course, Obama is perfectly clean in all of this.   In their cult of personality, the lefties are telling us to believe that Obama rocketed to the top of the corrupt Chicago Democratic machine without any stain on his pure, white robes. Although he was surrounded by people like Blagojevich, Ayers, Rezco, Wright, Pfleger, Meeks, ACORN, etc., we are told that he was untouched -- indeed, oblivious -- of everything that was going on around him. 
Even if this modern miracle were true, do we want a guy so clueless in charge of keeping this country safe and prosperous?


Mark said...

I posted a comment here, but before I hit "publish", I decided to take it over to my place and blog on it over there.

Anonymous said...

I have been so out of it as far as the news goes lately. Guess I don't need anything else to bring me down right now.

HOWEVER, when I did hear about this, I couldn't wait to see your post on it. :)

This is just getting annoying, if not downright scary. If nothing else, we'll be able to come out of this election cycle with some really good tongue twisters!