Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Upside of the Downside

Huh, who'da thunk it? Obama really IS The One.
The upside of this is that America will have a loyal opposition again, not the treacherous, spiteful, hateful opposition we've had for the last eight years. I intend to give this president my support within the limits of the Constitution, and not that bogus "living" Constitution that liberals rewrite every time it suits them -- the Constituiton that was the vision of the Founding Fathers.  
Obama's people will move into the White House and find that none of the O keys have been pried off the keyboards. There won't be porn mixed in with the paper in the copying machines. The West Wing won't be trashed. There will be no missing furniture or other property. Obama won't have to have the Oval Office carpet fumigated. 
People will also see that the solution to black problems cannot be found through politics. Obama will be able to do nothing for the blacks of America and in fact, might make their problems worse. This should also make it much more difficult for Democrats to play the race card. I've always found it incongruous that the party of slavery, segregation and abortion could claim to be the champions of civil rights. 
We also don't have a Chinese-like rubber-stamp Congress, no matter how much the Democrats wanted it. As I've said before, I don't think Obama will be able to do much harm. Bush couldn't get his wrong-headed immigrant amnesty program through and there are still enough Americans out there who are level-headed enough to see the dangers in Marxism. 
Obama is going to have a tough job ahead of him, because the hard left raised him. He has been radicalized since a child. He is their Manchurian Candidate and they are going to be expecting payback. I really don't wee how he's going to satisfy them. And if he doesn't try, they are going to turn on him like rabid dogs.  
This presidency should be worty of study -- like a fungus in a petri dish.
Remember Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. This too shall pass.


Joe said...

You are will pass. I'd ask that we fast forward, but I'm so old I might not make it!

I loved your comment about the cats re: alf.

Cat's instinctively attack me without notice.

Can't say that I blame them too much, though.

J.M. Rob said...

God bless you, LR. Sincerely. I needed to hear that. Perhaps this is the kick in the pants we need.

tugboatcapn said...

This too shall pass.

Like a kidney stone?

I am actually glad to see the end or racism in America. That's been a long time coming, and it's finally here, without a doubt.

I just hope that the few meat-head republicans who are left on Capitol Hill will finally stand up and fight for the things we actually sent them there for once in a while.

Anonymous said...

As always, the voice of reason and one I respect highly. This is an excellent post.

I think that this turn of events is just what the GOP needs to ensure that in 2012 we will have a candidate that truly represents who we are. As much as I would have preferred to see McCain win, he's not what I wanted in a president either.

On the bright side, we now have Sarah Palin on the scene. Imagine if you will, a Palin/Rice ticket in 2012. How exciting would that be for the true feminists out there?

I seriously doubt that Obama gets more than four years to do his damage and once he's done, so are the Democrats, at least for awhile.

By the way, sorry I haven't said much in awhile. I check by every day though.

Tonto said...

Don't tease us LR.

Lone Ranger said...

Sarah Palin is done for. I saw a report on Fox News about her tonight and it wasn't flattering. Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana seems to be the next hope of the Republicans.

Mark said...

I agree with all but the line, "This should also make it much more difficult for Democrats to play the race card."

I don't think it will. the reasoning will be the same. If any one criticizes President Obama, the Libs will accuse him of being a racist. Watch and see.

Trader Rick said...

Sarah Palin is NOT done for. Racism is NOT over in America. Obama can do irreprable (sic) damage in four years,especially with appointing judges. We are in for a long hard ride and only the strong will survive. We will not support this lying Marxist in any way whatsoever, any more than we would John Kerry or Al Gore or the Clintons.
Mark my words, this is disastrous.

Have a nice day!
Go Gators!

Still waiting for my deed, Barack...

Tonto said...

LR I saw that report on O'REILLY about Sarah Palin and that is so wrong. It is so sexist. Why would they report on something by someone who won't come forward? Be Named? She can't even defend herself against anyone real.

I hope as time passes and she goes home and does her work. It will be forgotten.

It is just like with Hillary's campaign.

Racism may be dead but sexism isn't.

I am female attorney and I get stupid stuff said to me at least once a week by men in their 40s and 50s who know better. I hate the fact that I am 35 and they are still surprised when as usual I think if things they never do and am right!

For what Sarah Palin went through it wasn't worth it.

I hope she is o.k.

That's the thing about strong women. There are only two camps. Lovem or Hatem & no in between.

That story was so mean even after her defeat. Makes me depressed. What haven't they said about her.

Lone Ranger said...

You are correct. The more I think about it, the more I believe that is totally against her character. You'd think if the liberal media couldn't turn anything up on her, that accusations like that must be bogus. McCain lost because he tried to be a gentleman with an opponent who would do anything to capture the White House. That never works.

Jim O said...

I feel better already!