Sunday, November 09, 2008

Signs we are living in an alternate universe...

CBS NEWS Headline: How Obama can win over the media? It begs a punchline...doesn't it? Like a Letterman's Top Ten Ways...


Vigilis said...

Excellent point, Tonto. About the only time the media ever called something in Obama's past a "duck", regardless of how it walked and talked, was when it made Obama himself duck (e.g. his association with Rev. Wright).

There can be little doubt that what the writer, Jon Friedman, Obama, and his staff are calling for goes over the top of political culture in this country's history.

Non-dissent of any kind (an "end to diviseness") is what they have repeatedly hinted. So what the Obama team believes will be needed to implement his radical changes requires more than the parallel reporting lavished on Obama's campaign by a currently compliant media, one still capable of turning on yesterday's heroes (e.g. Gen Petraeus).

Obamans require an out-and-out propaganda tool called congruence m(publication without vetting of reworded press releases).

We should all count the days while Americans are free to criticize freely on the WWW without running afoul of some corollary of an updated fairness doctrine. After Obama's 2nd replacement on the Supreme Court, such archaic freedoms will be in serious doubt. Next, we would probably have to bow to associate justices, cabinet members, and of course Obama and Biden.

Mark said...

"There has to be a new era of transparency,"

That line is oxymoronic, considering Obama has been the most secretive candidate in history.

What did he do in college? We don't know. He won't release those records.

What would his medical records tell us? We don't know. He won't release them.

How deep was his involvement in ACORN or the Woods Foundatiin or the Annenbereg Challenge? We don't know. Many of those formerly "public records" have mysteriously vanished, along with most of his previously stated ideological positions.

Jean said...

Gives new meaning to the term "Hiding in Plain Sight" doesn't he? His images (of his choosing) are all over the place, but the things that will give insight into what we're really stuck with are tucked tightly away -- and anyone who comments on the suspicious nature of that is systematically destroyed.

And the vast American public bought it hook, line, and sinker. But any fisherman knows what happens to the fish when that happens -- most don't get thrown back to grow bigger and stronger.