Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Single Man's Survival Guide

Slow news night, so I have a few minutes to pass on what I've learned post-divorce. 1. If you are drinking from a measuring cup, it's time to do the dishes. 2. If you are buying two new outfits every week, it's time to do the laundry. 3. If you have a Glade Plug-In in every available wall socket, it's time to take out the trash. 4. If your pets refuse to sleep on your bed, it's time to change the sheets. 5. Just because you CAN have chili for every meal, doesn't mean you should. 6. Deodorant soap was not intended to be used as shampoo. 7. Don't eat anything imported from China. 8. Every application of underarm deodorant MUST be preceded by a shower. 9. If your socks are inside out, don't worry, they'll be right side out the next day. 10. Paper plates.


Trader Rick said...

YIKES!! "Outfits??!!!!"--That's a chick term! To a man, that word refers to a cattle ranch. You have too many cats! Go Gators!!

Lone Ranger said...

Then, why is there a store called The Outfitters?

Mark said...

Don't forget you have all the time you want to write clever and pithy posts on your blogs.

Tonto said...

Wait!! Wait!!! Wait!! You have to be single and post divorce for this to happen?

I'm in trouble then on 2,3,4, & 8.

Trader Rick said...

An outfitter sells you the stuff you need for an expedition--mules, packs, trail food, paddles, compasses, and yes trail clothes, guns, ammo, dogsleds, rope, etc. That's why there are stores called outfitters...

Go Sarah!