Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who's Going to Win? Ask Obama

Apparently, the Obama campaign is worried.



I guess McCain could win in a landslide.

Lone Ranger said...

Obama would have to be ahead by about 15 points in order to win.It's the Bradley Effect.

Trader Rick said...

I wouldn't count on the Bradley effect. A lot of people don't think that Osama is Black...

Lone Ranger said...

I think after this election, we'll have a new term in the American vernacular-- the Obama Effect.

Mark said...

Nobama is definitely pulling out all the stops. Young black men, (dressed like thugs)are stopping black people outside Walmart here, trying to register them to vote.

I stood and watched for a while. I was not approached myself. Neither were any other white people.

Polls indicate over 92% of blacks support Nobama.

Tonto said...

LR - You think Palin is going to survive this debate? I like her so much I can bear the thought of them turning her into a Quayle.

Re the Bradley Effect...I never really thought it would be a real factor so many years later in this election...BUT...I have met a few people from Ohio and Virginia and they think there is NO way their state could elect Obama in their state.

They keep telling me not to worry about it even when I tell them the polls say otherwise.

But they say what you say...that if Obama were to win he would have to be in the double digit leads for a while and they can't imagine it.

But then I think hey...the only people he has to convince are the undecided...and those people are the same types who think the "Da Vinci Code" was true! So I don't know.

tugboatcapn said...


Barack Obama is BLACK?

I never noticed that before...

I thought he was just an inexperienced, naive Marxist with questionable connections and a history of taking payoffs and directing Federal Money to anti-American anarchist groups...

Lone Ranger said...

How Sarah fares in the debate will depend a great deal on who the moderator is. Jim Lehrer was excellent in last week's debate -- fair and balanced. Biden will also have to walk on eggs -- which is not his nature. No matter how tough Sarah is, standing next to Joe Biden, she's going to look like a delicate flower, and he's going to have to be careful not to bruise any of her petals.

Tonto said...

Yes Jim Lehrer really was good this past week.

I here this week it is a woman moderator and she might feel she can be more edgy with another woman.

Tonto said...

Well according to Michelle Malkin today 9/30...the moderator for this debate is in the tank for I guess she is going into the Lions Den Thursday.