Saturday, September 27, 2008

Who Won the Debate? Ask Obama


Tonto said...

Now that was fun.

You think McCain came off a little cold though...the indies might not get the warm and fuzzies that he cares like Obama shows?

I am scared for Sarah now after her Katie interview.

Trader Rick said...

Katie's interview was just a mean-spirited gotcha deal with oral exam questions like "Name three instances..."

She will do fine in her degbate. Frankly, I think she'll eviserate the old ride the train gaffer.

Tonto said...

Trader Rick....From your lips to God's ears....

Yeah I just wish she had a memorized answer for those dumb questions.

So when they ask her anything she doesn't know and she has no clue...She would just say...well I am not sure I can speak to that but here are 5 times McCain didn't vote with George Bush and then list them...that's all the indies want to hear!

But I love her and want her to do well. I got tickets to her appearance here in Southern CA. I fits 13,000 and it is sold out or near sold out.