Tuesday, September 16, 2008


According to the electoral map, McCain is now ahead of Obama by 20 electoral votes.    No wonder the Obama campaign has gotten so mean.  Trouble is, he's making fun of McCain's age, thereby alienating the elderly (the strongest voting block).  He's alienated women by throwing Hillary under the bus and viciously attacking Sarah Palin.  And, by playing the race card so often, he is alienating the democrats they don't want to even admit exist -- the ones who still cling to the Democat Party's segregationist past and would never vote for a black man.  
Things are looking up.


Tonto said...

You know the numbers that are weird to me are the reports that McCain showing increases in BLUE states like NY? What's the explanation on that? I figured he would have a FLATLINE in that stateno matter what?

Trader Rick said...

So, we need to target old black racist women, eh?