Saturday, September 06, 2008

Obama is the Messiah!

I received this today in my inbox from my liberal friend(an ex hippie working mother of two who teaches religion no less!) with the intro line of "IN YOUR FACE PALIN! It is of course not funny and in poor taste. So they really do think Obama is a Messiah?? And of course they had to use a picture of Christ on the cross...they couldn't use any less sensitive image of Jesus?


Anonymous said...

I'm speechless.

Lone Ranger said...

To them, it's like using an image of any fictional character.

J.M. Rob said...

Fine. If that's the way they want to play it, let's crucify Obama and see if he comes back in 3 days. If he does then I stand corrected.

Mark said...

Jesus was not a community organizer. He was, and is, the Son of God. Ithink that trumps Governor and community organizer.

By the way, Al Sharpton, the racist who incited riots, arson, and murder is a community organizer, too. I think Obama is a community organizer in Sharpton's image.

Trader Rick said...

I have finally figured out what a community organizer is, I think. They teach individuals and neighborhoods how to get more stuff--goods and services from local, state and federal government--In Obama's case vollyball nets erected and potholes filled.

Our Lord was the opposite of a community organizer. He taught people how to get heavenly rewards, not earthly ones.

This Obama campaign is the sluttiest I've seen since the democrats showed the little girl picking Daisies prior to being vaporized by a nuke courtesy Barry Goldwater--Actually there is no comparison. These people are real sleezeballs.

Interesting to see the atheists using our images to mock us....

Free speech is one thing, but hateful lies are another--There ought to be a law.

Anonymous said...


I'm a longtime reader, first time poster. And while I find myself at times disagreeing with you politically, I've come to respect you for you, as you say, have convictions (rare thing these days.)
Anyway, about this "art." It's not just offensive, it's inaccurate. It attempts to make Pilate (and thereby Palin) an evil villain. Too bad the person who created this has never read the Bible.
While Pilate was a brutal governor, he had no desire to kill Jesus. In fact, he tried every political maneuver he could think of to get out of it. He's where we get the phrase "I wash my hands of this." Only when all control of the mob was lost did he relent. Then he went on to say "I am innocent of the blood of this just Man." (paraphrase)
Seems to me the rabid liberal who composed this shot their own argument in the foot.

Tonto said...

You are spot on Jon. How easily we forget.