Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Banking Crisis, Who is at Fault.

As Mr. Monk would say, "Here's what happened."
And was McCain in any way responsible?  Nope, he was sounding the alarm three years ago.
And how about President Bush. Was he responsible?  Nope. He was on the case a few years earlier than McCain.
And is Obama as squeaky clean as he is self-righteiously claiming to be?  You've gotta be kidding!


tugboatcapn said...

I've been engaged in an argument on another blog about this subject for the last couple of days...

In the last exchange, I was informed that I did not understand the Bible, couldn't shoot my gun straight, and was too Chickens--t to wear my hood and sheet in public.

I think I won the argument.

Tonto said...

I hope your "smarts" reaches the "dumb dumbs" out there!!!

Now this is what we need an ad about!!!

Lone Ranger said...

Whenever a liberal accuses you of belonging to the Klan, just mention that it was founded as the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party and that there is still a former Kleagle who is a senior Democrat in the Senate.

Jim O said...

Absolutely. I remember when the CDA was being debated a decade ago. Opponents like us were pointing out that under the relatively unregulated system then in effect,the default rate on mortgages for black and white borrowers was virtually identical. In other words, the private sector was doing an excellent job of predicting who could afford a mortgage of how much, with no 'racism' whatsoever. But that wasn't good enough for Liberals, who insist on equal outcomes rather than equal opportunity. Thanks again, Democrats!!