Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Obama, Yo Mama

For people who will vote for B. Hussein Obama because of his skin color or because they like the way he talks, I have an equally shallow reason NOT to vote for him. His name doesn't work with The Name Game. Allow me to illustrate.
Clinton, Clinton, bo-binton,
Banana-fana fo-finton
Now, let's try it with Obama.
Obama, Obama, mo...mo..wait. Obama, Obama, yo mama.....no..Obama, obama fobam mobam..shoot.
Nope, can't do it. As you can tell, it's a slow news night.


Mark said...

Obama Obama Bobama banana fan Fobama, fee fi mo Mobama... I can do it, but I still won't vote for him.

Mark said...

Ok, that isn't right, but I can sing it!

Lone Ranger said...

I'd have to actually hear it before i believe it.